The MicroDefenders Gallery
Chief: Ken Timmis

Microbes are often perceived as harmful to us, because some cause infections, not only of us but also other organisms like animals and plants. However, most microbes cause us no harm at all
and many are really beneficial to us and other organisms. Indeed, some microbes actually defendprotect us from harm: these are our MicroDefenders, some of which are showcased in this
MicroDefenders Gallery. Let’s learn about and celebrate the microbes that save us and other
organisms from harm!
Alca (Alcanivorax borkumensis) Claim to fame: mitigation of oil pollution and ecological damage in marine systems
Arsenio metallica (Burkholderia gladioli) Claim to fame: turns arsenic into an antibiotic
Beevee (Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus) Claim to fame: potential therapeutic agent against antimicrobial resistant bacteria
Broc (Brocadia –the anammox bacterium) Claim to fame: cleaning our wastewater
Myama (Candidatus Mycosynbacter amalyticus) Claim to fame: eats foam-producing bacteria in wastewater treatment plants
Pseudo-Alca (Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes) Claim to fame: eats the poison cyanide
Wolba (Wolbachia pipientis) Claim to fame: manipulates reproduction in insects and is used for the biocontrol of mosquito-borne diseases
Curvi (Curvularia protuberata)
Syntropho (Syntrophoarchaeum caldarius) Claim to fame: carries out anaerobic oxidation of propane/butane in syntrophy with sulfate-reducing bacteria)