Our infections: a visit to the doctor

Editors: Maria Francisca Colom and Ken Timmis

Photo by Gustavo Fring: https://www.pexels.com/photo/mother-checking-his-son-temperature-3985216

Overview: Visits, especially the first visit, to the doctor can be worrying and stressful because we are not feeling well, we are scared that something is seriously wrong with us, mum or dad seems very anxious, and, especially, we don’t know what the doctor will do to us. Doctors know we are nervous and do their best to reassure us, but the more we know in advance about the infection and visit, the better we are prepared and the less anxious we are when we need to go. Let’s have a virtual visit to the doctor’s

Creation of the TFs is a work in progress: those already available are indicated by titles that are live links. Titles of those still in the pipeline are shown for context.

(For vignettes of some of the star actors in these stories, see the MicroRogues and MicroVaccines Portrait Galleries)